Showing all the love we have for our loved ones is not easy for everyone. Special events, like Valentine’s Day, are a great time to cherish the people you love, but sometimes it’s hard to know how to express your affection in an authentic way.
This Valentine’s Day, let’s be creative to highlight the love we feel for the people around us: parents, children, grandchildren, partner, friends, etc.
Together, let’s explore the five languages of love.
The origin of the 5 languages of love
First, we must recognize that all the important people in our lives have different personalities. To be able to properly communicate our love to each of them, it is important to understand their ways of giving and receiving love. Not everyone understands the same language! That’s why we are interested in the five languages of love.
Even if our efforts come from a good intention, sometimes misunderstanding leads to conflict. So by learning to recognize our preferences and those of our loved ones, we can identify the source of some of our conflicts and communicate our love so that it is well received.
Let’s discover the different languages of love that allow us to connect more deeply and truly get closer.
Services provided
For these types of people, actions are worth more than words. So the best way to say “I love you” is by doing them a service. Let’s help him with something or let’s do something for him.
For example: your grandmother has to go to the pharmacy, but it’s winter and the weather is a source of anxiety for her. Offer to accompany her to go shopping. In addition to spending a little time together, you demonstrate the most beautiful proof of love in her eyes by serving her and contributing to her well-being.
Some people feel loved when they receive a sincere gift. Be careful, because when you say “gift”, it’s not necessarily something expensive. Above all, they appreciate the thought behind the gesture. They will tell you: "It is the intention that counts"!
For example: every time you visit your grandfather, you notice that he does crossword puzzles. On your next visit, consider bringing a small crossword book. For him, this simple attention will be proof that you are a person attentive to him. This is a beautiful testimony of love!
Quality moments
This language is about giving the other person your full attention for a set time. This is a time when you are really available and it is possible to create a real exchange with the person who accompanies you.
For example: you and your life partner usually eat together in front of the television. For Valentine’s Day, opt for a one-on-one meal without any distraction. This type of moment is conducive to discussion, fun and reconnection. If your partner associates quality moments with their language of love, he/she will perceive this moment as an irrefutable proof of love.
The empowering words
People who prefer this type of language consider that using the right words is the best way to affirm their love. Whether in written or verbal form, using words to compliment or express emotions is tangible proof of love.
This type of language can be translated into «I love you» or a note on a post-it in a lunch box for example. On Valentine’s Day, you could also write a letter by hand. If meaningful words are the language of that person’s love, it’s a great way to show them your affection.
Physical contact
For this person, physical proximity and human contact are conducive to live sweet and tender moments full of affection. Always in benevolence, these people consider that being held in arms, holding hands, flattering the head or kissing, are ways to dismantle a beautiful form of love.
For example, if your partner is the type of person who enjoys physical contact, you might offer them a Valentine’s Day massage.
In conclusion
There are so many ways to love and be loved. There are as many as there are different personalities!
So how do we know what the language of love our loved ones will best interpret? Just discuss it with them. It is the best way to know their preferences, to obtain their consent and to discuss our visions of love. By opening up to others and better understanding their desires, and needs, it allows our relationships to be healthier, respectful and satisfying.
For example, knowing that a person simply wants quality moments so that his need for affection is met, one understands that it is useless to buy objects to offer him as a gift.
Now that we know more about the five languages of love, let’s take advantage of Valentine’s Day to show those around us that we love them in a way that they will really appreciate.
To know what your languages of love are, you just have to do the following test.